Our 1950’s Family Mission Statement

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We are a family of creators.
We create beauty, and positivity.
We create our own path to follow.
We create a comfortable environment for those who enter our world.
We create laughter and pleasure and goodness.

We are a family of workers.
We all play our part. Nothing is just given.
It must be earned and maintained.
What we have we appreciate; what we don’t have we work towards.
We work our minds, our bodies, our spirits.
We push ourselves
and each other
to our own personal greatness, whatever that looks like.

We are a family that chooses our family.
We are each others lifeblood; we love unconditionally.
Not just those in our given family tree,
but the beautiful wind chimes we invite to now live in our tree.

We are a family first and foremost.
Kind creators and open minded thinkers and hard workers, madly in love with life and each other.


Kind Regards,

Mrs. Darling

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