Yes, my tree skirt is an old tablecloth.

As we all gear up for the holiday season and i turn my focus on giving thanks for blessings, i want to clear up the air for anybody who may see it and wonder but be afraid to ask: yes, my tree skirt is an old tablecloth.


It was purchased on clearance several years ago, right after deciding to quit my career in exchange for being a homemaker. It was a scary transition to say the least, and exceedingly difficult in today’s economic reality. But never once did i give up on the notion that i could financially contribute to the home. Instead of earning income, i shouldered the burden of saving what i could.

i got rid of my car. Clipped coupons, learned how to do my own hair, cooked in season, learned to sew. i made handmade gifts at a fraction of the cost, handmade bread at a fraction of the cost, bought second hand clothes at a fraction of the cost.

It was work. Hard work. And i got good at it.

i cannot imagine the weight of being the Head of Household. But i do know i want to lessen it.

Now years down the road, adjusted to change and with belts a little looser, i put out our family’s beautiful holiday tree and for just a moment consider running to the store to pick out a plush new Christmas tree skirt. We can afford it, and the old one looks a little worn, threadbare, not necessarily matching the updated decor.

The thought passes quickly with the memory of our home being built on both earning and saving, and how lucky we are to have any tree skirt, plus a tree, plus presents around it, plus most importantly, our family around it. We are blessed.

And the reality is, that tablecloth posing as a tree skirt may mean my Husband has to work one less hour next week.

That means one more hour as a family. One less hour of stress.

One hour of storytelling, one family dinner He can make on time, one hour of hot chocolate, one Charlie Brown Christmas.

One hour of what really matters.

So please don’t judge that little red and green plaid tablecloth too harshly. It’s got us busy making memories.

Kind Regards,
Mrs. Darling

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