The Guardian

Do you know what it feels like to be guarded?

To be under constant care, constant watch; ever hovered over.

He carries a knife on his hip; you know he’d give his life for you.

Every morning he meticulously checks off your to-do list for the day, crafting a journey through your life that will leave you feeling accomplished yet relaxed, traveled yet glad to be home, experienced but still yourself.

He totes you around in the passenger seat so he can control your safety and upon arrival offering a hand out of the car door like you may be delicate enough to need that help.

But he insists that you’re strong, the strongest woman he’s ever met, and he makes you stronger still.

The guarding of your movement, the guarding of your exposure, the guarding over your body.

He’ll take it; you’ll want him to.

This man has come into your life with urgency and certainty and insists that even though you may never believe it, you are the one worthy of his guard.

He keeps protects you from all demons, both those in the world and those that live in your own being.

He’s a glorious gift of a person, one meant to protect you for all days. One you will fight every day to thank in any way possible.

Do you know what it feels like to be guarded?

I do. And that is the man I choose to call Master.

Kind Regards,
Mrs. Darling

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